Avg Mac Cleaner Review
Whether for work or for play, a safe, secure, speedy laptop is a must-have. The best way to ensure smooth, efficient functionality is to keep your Mac running at its optimal performance level. Compatible with Mac OS X 10.8 or higher, AVG Mac Cleaner is a tool for finding cumbersome duplicate and unwanted files, and getting rid of them quickly and easily. It’s an ideal way to eliminate hidden data and reclaim disk space for new images, audio files, video files, and apps. AVG Cleaner is a user friendly, fast and easy, hard drive cleaning solution. It identifies any hidden clutter that may have accumulated on your Mac and may be slowing down its performance. The best part? It cleans your Mac of those unwanted files with a single click.
AVG TuneUp for Mac. Track down useless junk data, hidden duplicate files, and poor-quality photos — and safely remove it all to free up space for more important files and memories. AVG Cleaner PRO for Android. Help your battery last longer, clear out duplicate and unwanted photos, and generally make your phone the best it can be with one easy. AVG Mac Cleaner’s Features. AVG cleaner is a fairly basic free cleaning tool for your Mac. Considering that there is no price charged for the app, expectations for the features should not be high. AVG focuses on cleaning out logs and caches as well as some temporary data. AVG Antivirus is the best free antivirus software we reviewed. It is a good choice if you only need basic malware protection and don’t want to pay for advanced features, or you can use it in tandem with your current antivirus program as a second layer of protection. Unlike AVG cleaner, MacFly Pro allows you to get the most out of your Mac and your time by digging much deeper and faster into its troubled areas. Two days ago, I installed the utility after using AVG Cleaner for quite some time. I scanned my Mac and discovered the 900MB worth of files that were missed by AVG Cleaner. Beneath its deceptively simple design lies a powerful virus cleaner that works in real-time to detect and remove not only Mac-specific viruses and spyware, but PC and mobile threats, too. So AVG AntiVirus not only helps protect all that’s important on your Mac, it also prevents you from infecting. AVG AntiVirus for Mac Review: Great Protection for Free The free AVG AntiVirus for Mac's fantastic malware detection and design make it a solid option.
AVG Antitrack; All products; Mac. AVG Cleaner for Mac; AVG AntiVirus for Mac; AVG Secure VPN for Mac; All products; Mobile. AVG AntiVirus for Android; AVG Cleaner for Android; AVG Secure VPN for Android; AVG Secure VPN for iOS; All products; Partners; Business. AVG Internet Security Business Edition; AVG AntiVirus Business Edition; AVG File.
AVG Mac Cleaner’s Features
AVG cleaner is a fairly basic free cleaning tool for your Mac. Considering that there is no price charged for the app, expectations for the features should not be high. AVG focuses on cleaning out logs and caches as well as some temporary data. An additional welcomed feature, which is rare for a free app, is duplicate cleaner. It does a decent job at locating file duplicates and even recognizes Photos dupes.
AVG Mac Cleaner’s Pros
- Offers tech support
- Has a user-friendly interface
- Was created by a trustworthy developer
- Offers quick scans

AVG Mac Cleaner’s Cons
- Treats everything in Downloads folder as junk
- Offers limited functionality
- Insists on additional account registration
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Using AVG Mac Cleaner
After using AVG for a few weeks you really start understanding what the app was made for. It’s not one of those tools that you will often use to stay on top of your Mac’s work. AVG is much rather that app, which you launch once every couple month to clean out old caches, logs and some temporary files. Despite being free, the functionality it offers is limited. It serves its purpose by shortcutting your cleaning routine. Keep your eyes peeled, however, as AVG considers Downloads folder as junk and will push you to cleaning it if you are not paying attention.
Best Mac Cleaner Review
And for those of you looking for malware protection and asking “is AVG a virus cleaner?” – sorry to disappoint, but it’s not. AVG, however, offers a separate AntiVirus app.
AVG Mac Cleaner’s Pricing
The AVG Mac Cleaner utility software is available as a free download from the Mac App Store. Being free and providing core cleaning tools, AVG is a great option for someone who’s looking for a basic app.
AVG Uninstaller for AVG Cleaner
Alicia martin biography. When trying to figure out how to completely uninstall AVG software online you will occasionally stumble upon the info that all uninstallation is done through dedicated Uninstaller utility. While AVG provides a separate tool on their website for this purpose, it is only true for Windows users. Complete removal of AVG Cleaner app on Mac is done differently.
- Quit AVG Cleaner
- Open Finder and go to Applications
- Drag and drop AVG Cleaner to Trash
- In Finder, press Shift+cmd+G to bring up Go to folder window
- Find and remove all AVG related items in the following locations:
- ~/Library/Application Scripts
- ~/Library/Containers
- /Library/Preferences
- /var/db
- /var/folders
- Select and move all associated files to Trash
- Empty Trash
Finally, don’t make the error of forgetting to empty your Trash to completely eliminate the AVG Mac Cleaner software from your system. Restart your machine to complete the purging of the Trash and the removal of the AVG utility tool, and you’re all set.
Is AVG Safe?
In this day and age of malware, spyware, and other malicious software and apps, you might wonder if AVG Mac Cleaner is safe for your Mac. This drive tidying utility runs on OS X 10.8 or higher and is considered safe and effective as a cleanup tool that easily removes hidden clutter and helps speed up your system.
The Bottom Line
Because Macs are typically the computer of choice for creatives, like Gamers and Graphic designers, they tend to be loaded with files, folders, images, ideas, downloads, etc. An overload of files and folders can potentially lead to sluggish systems and system failures. Is AVG a virus, malware, or unsafe? No! The AVG Mac Cleaner tool was created by a respected, software provider and helps you quickly and easily clear unnecessary clutter and gain access to more space on your Mac’s hard drive. This free app can be downloaded from the AppStore of from their own website. It’s a simple solution – developed specifically for Mac users – that automatically deletes different types of junk and duplicate files from your hard drive.
Top 4 Download periodically updates software information of AVG Cleaner for Mac OS X 14.0.4764 full version from the publisher, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.
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